Marco Muller and Susan Boode Twice the Fastest

Holten Residents Experience Outstanding Triathlon Holten

Marco Muller managed to secure two prizes in the men’s eighth. The Holten resident claimed the overall classification and thus also crowned himself Holten’s champion. Holten’s Susan Boode also achieved a double victory by being the fastest woman to win the local championship.

Marco Muller indicates that this year he was finally able to enjoy the triathlon. All components went well, he says after the award ceremony. “I was quick out of the water. Cycling went surprisingly well. That’s where I gained the lead. I did have Glenn close behind me. Running went well too. I finally took the time to look around. That’s when you realize how many partying people are along the course. In other years I never gave myself the time for that.”

Muller ultimately set a winning time of 01:05:44. He followed the example of his brother Mark Muller, who had already won the Olympic distance earlier in the day. Glenn ten Berge finished second in both the overall classification and the race for the Holten’s championship on the eighth. With his time of 01:06:49, he was ultimately a minute slower than Muller. The Rijssen’s Pim Bakker completed the podium. Stefan Pekkeriet did so in the competition for the Holten’s championship.

Like Marco Muller, Holten’s Susan Boode managed to claim both the overall classification and the local championship. With her time of 01:23:16

Boode stayed ahead of Holten’s Anja Beldman (01:26:18). Nienke Ensink, also from Holten, managed to claim the bronze.

“It went well despite a few obstacles,” says winner Boode. “Just before the start, I had a flat tire. Luckily, I was able to take over a wheel from someone else. And two and a half weeks ago, I bruised a rib. I took many painkillers, so fortunately, I didn’t feel it. It was a bit stressful today. But I have won the Holten’s championship before, so I could draw from experience.”

Results eighth recreational men 
1. Marco Muller – Holten – 01:05:44 
2. Glenn ten Berge – Holten – 01:06:49 
3. Pim Bakker- Rijssen – 01:11:09

Results Holten’s championship eighth recreational men 
1. Marco Muller – 01:05:44 
2. Glenn ten Berge – 01:06:49 
3. Stefan Pekkeriet – 01:11:33

Results eighth recreational and Holten’s championship women 
1. Susan Boode – Holten – 01:23:16 
2. Anja Beldman – Holten – 01:26:18 
3. Nienke Ensink – Holten – 01:26:18