In recent months, Reclamemakers from Holten have been working hard behind the scenes to design a new website for Triathlon Holten. The result is now visible to everyone.
Chairwoman Anita Brinks and board member Liesbeth Holterman visited Andre Heetkamp and Inge Folkert-Hegteler from Reclamemakers to thank them.
Anita Brinks: “The Triathlon Holten is a special event where both recreational and professional triathletes participate. With the new website, we cater to both target groups, and in multiple languages as well. As an internationally high-standing event, the new website demonstrates what we stand for in Holten: professionalism, sportsmanship, and friendliness!”
Andre Heetkamp:”As Reclamemakers, we have long been closely involved with Triathlon Holten. In the design of the website, we considered the different target groups of the triathlon: professional athlete, recreational participant, visitor, volunteer, and sponsor. The fact that our fine collaboration with Triathlon Holten is now also reflected in the creation of the website makes us proud.”